Bees swim jet under jive dunk sitting pen

So, I see you've stumbled upon my page. Nothing really interesting to people who don't know who the hell I am. It's Sk8 pics of me and my friends. Ill have links to other pages which are probably a hell of a lot more interesting. But it's a way to spread the word of great bands like Clean Livin',and Good Too Go. So enjoy, laugh, tease, visit the links-peace-n-axle grease.

Clockwise from the tall guy in the white shirt and the Drug lord hat, hes Jamie, Omo, Chris ( jamies brother ), Rob, Reyna, Paula, Tash, Mika, and Typh, most of the winkies, short for Kiddie winkies, like the marylin Manson song. Yeah, that one

And here's their tree at Mililani High School, i spent many-a-recess at this hangout. I miss high me :(

And for your enjoyment, a freak-boo-tay picture of Typh and Chris


The black guy staring at you, is me. The GQ model in the backround is Ryan, the guitarist
this is us. Tash, Me, in the blue polo, Rob, Matt in the back pointing, Gonz (steven) pointing also, and James

My Snazzy List of Links

T bears Site: funny page, thats about all i can say
Jack-Os site: Sk8 stuff
GQ's site, Ryan, the Guitar in the Band: A band page, by dj-rion / web-builder king
hawaiian express: The islands punk scene page by Jason miller
the 8o8 scene: a message board for all the local music info, jokes, and a couple other things
the CG shrines: The most video game gurl pic's iv'e ever seen on any page
the Asfault Junkies page: mililani ska band
Anime Gumi: home made anime music video's
Page two: a few of ryans pics
pix page: load of pictures from the local scene and my friends

Thats tash on the left, ryans on the right, and up top is James

this is my friends room, well, I thought it was kinda neat

Today t bear has cleared Decks...pretty good Ted

fo-tow album:what do think it is speedy?